Job Application

PORTFOLIO – Savia Rajagopal, Manager, Digital and Marketing Unit

Welcome to my portfolio, Savia! I am thrilled to have you as my new manager. On this virtual page, you will discover a collection of my past works, showcasing my expertise, skills, and dedication to excellence. From innovative designs to impactful projects, this portfolio offers a glimpse into the depth and breadth of my capabilities. I invite you to dive in, explore, and get to know me better through the projects that have shaped my career. Thank you for taking the time to visit, and I look forward to the exciting collaborations ahead!

Rejané was an extremely valuable member of my team. She took initiative, asked questions, learned the ropes and before long, I was relying on her ability to get things done. She is fearless, enthusiastic, and full of integrity.

Brett Davidson, Director, Media and Narratives, Open Society Public Health Program
Click here to listen to a mixtape that I produced for Rape Crisis. TW // sexual violence
Working with Transparency International’s Open Government Partnership on a campaign to promote children’s rights in Kenya, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Egypt and Tunisia.

Rejané is an instinctive communicator, social commentator and media producer. She has a special skill for reporting on sensitive social issues and has an indisputable contribution to make in this regard.

Dr. Fanie Du Toit, Chief Technical Advisor for Reconciliation at the United Nations Development Programme

I’ve worked in the international non-profit sector, public radio and commercial TV. For a little over twelve years, I even ran a digital media production agency of my own! My life’s mission is to be the pen (or microphone 🙂) through which disenfranchised folks may speak their truths – in their own languages and on their own terms.

Listen to my short audio portfolio above.
Website and visual identity I created for Toronto Queer Film Festival. Click on the image above to view the website.

Rejané’s contribution to our programming has been invaluable on a human, editorial and creative level. She is an ardent humanist, who is hard-working, balanced, innovative, kind and yet quietly resolute.

Lerato Mbele, Anchor, Talking Business Africa, BBC
FEATURE DOCUMENTARY: The Politics of Women’s Health in Southern Africa. I developed the entire podcast campaign, from the audio identity to scripting, interview gathering and production. The client came to me with an idea, and I executed – that’s my strength!
Interviewing Prof. Joanne St Lewis, co-counsel for the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal on discriminatory funding of Indigenous child welfare services on reserves. 

Opting for audio snippets embedded in .mp4 format for my Instagram post was a deliberate choice. This approach enabled me to distill information into easily digestible, bite-sized content. The format strikes a balance, long enough to captivate viewers’ attention yet short enough to leave them eager for more.


While online videos make up over 85% of consumer internet traffic, their production demands considerable time. In contrast, producers can craft audio snippets and podcasts in a fraction of that time and at half the cost. Building a campaign around this medium proves to be significantly more efficient and cost-effective.

French Instagram Post
French Twitter Post


Framing social media communications as a story helps build an emotional connection, dramatically resulting in audience retention. By communicating via storytelling, we can also fuse our messages with entertaining and informative content, making it far more likely that audiences will spend their time consuming it.

English Instagram post
Website and social media coordination for The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity.